Monday 12 September 2011

Time for a little LOTV Xmas Candy

Morning Peeps, had a great time at Harrogate and it was fab to meet so many of you, and to have a Chance to meet up with Kath, Marcea , Louise  and of course Bev.  The Journey home was a nightmare, the train fron Harrogate to York was 15 minutes late which meant I would miss my connection from York to Kings X, but when I got to York found the train to Kings X had actually been cancelled, the next London Train didn’t have any seats left, so I had to wait for nearly an hour at York.  Eventually got home tired but happy.
image image
image image
As I have been a very bad blogger for the last couple of months, I thought I ought to apologise with a bit of Lili of the Valley Candy, so if you would like a chance to win the above  4 stamps from the New Lili of the Valley Christmas Release  all you need to do is leave a comment on My Linky below and link the candy on your blog, the candy will stay open until Wednesday 14th September.


Kreativmonster said...

Oh Jacqui, they are so sweet!

Christine said...

Oh, the trip home doesn't sound fun, but the trip itself sounds wonderful! I wish we had craft fairs like that here!

Thanks for the chance to win, Jacqui! They are all gorgeous stamps. I've put it up in my sidebar.

Hlora said...

They are cute Jacqui!! Thanks for the chance!

crafty....du said...

Scrummy stamps, sorry to hear about your train drama :( happy blogging :) and thanks for the chance of a win xx

Trudie said...

What a nightmare of a journey home!! Thank you Jacqui for the chance of winning these beautiful stamps. Take care xxx

Suzi Mac said...

Your trip home sounds dreadful but you had a lovely day by the sounds of it with friends. Thanks for the chance to win Jacqui, these stamps are gorgeous.
Suzi x

meg said...

Enjoy visiting your blog every day would love to go to a Craft Fayre but at the present have too many other commitments Love your blog

petra,s cards said...

wauw this new realese is just soooo sweet and gorgeous!!thanks for the chance!
xx petra

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Oooh thank you for the chance to win some scrummy LOTV stamps xx

Moon Starr said...

Very pretty images, I love adding loads of glitter.

Monika said...

Hello Jacqui,
Love these stamps,so thanks for the chance to win some.
Hugs Monika

Dodici said...

Love the stamps,thanks for the chance to win it.x

misteejay said...

Oh what a horrid journey - spoils the enjoyment of going places when the transport system plays up like that.

Thank you for the wonderful chance to win these cuties - off to add to my sidebar.

Toni xx

Pamela said...

Sorry to hear about your nightmare journey Jacqui. Great candy, thank you for the chance. Hope to see you at Ally Pally?

Pam x

Ardilla said...

You don´t need to apologize for not being around, but this candy is delicious and I'll accept it, hahahaha :)
Thanks for the chance and hope everything is better for you...

Dorte said...

So cute, thank you for the chance to win. hugs Dorte

Ludwisia said...

Sliczne stempelki,milko mi ze tez moge wziasc udzial w losowaniu

Maria Therese said...

Oh sounds like a horrible travel but I bet it was worth the trip anyway ♥

Marion said...

Hi Jacqui,
Travelling can be a nightmare. Glad you had a fab time at the show.
Thanks so much for the chance at this wonderful candy.

Regina said...

What a great giveway! Would love to have a chance of winning! I'm so keeping my fingers crossed.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Stamps and Paper said...

Must have been the day for journeys home as I have just been readins Kaths nightmare journey home too...but pleased you are home safe and sound.
Gorgeous LOTV stamps...thank you for giving us a chance to win them.


cotnob said...

Don't you just love train journeys!
Thanks for the chance to win these lovely LOTV stamps.

PinksyDoodles said...

Sorry to hear about your train journey, but glad you got home ok.
Thank you for offering with super candy.
Clare x

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
befor the train desaster, you had a lovely time and that's so much more inpotant hunni
thank you for the chance to win sweetie, there so cute
it's already linked hunni
hugs angelique

Thea said...

Hi Jacqui,

I have ordered some stamps from the new christmascollection. Thanks for this chance to win some more. I love the images.

Hugs Thea

Sheilagh said...

Morning Jacqui,I just love these images!! I would love to add them to my ever growing collection of LOTV stamps,if they had been available at the recent Manchester show I would have got them there and then oh well!Thanx for the chance to win them
Sheilagh :) x

Unknown said...

Thanks Jacqui for the chance to win this amazing candy.
Chris x

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Jacqui, thank you for the chance to win these adorable little stamps.

Warmest wishes, Julie Ann x

alethea said...

Glad you had a great time in harrogate but sorry to hear about your slow trip home!! Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps!! HUgsxx

troy said...

aw Jacqui aren't they gorgeous,LOTV never fail to deliver such fabulous images..thankyou for letting us play along.

you poor thing your travel drama sounds an absolute nightmare especially after a lovely day..

sending hugs Troy xxx

Sarah said...

Glad you had a fab time at the show, sorry your journey home was so loooooong. Thank you so much for the chance to win your candy, they are gorgeous stamps xxx

arjette said...

Oohhh they are tooo cute!! Such lovely stamps!! Thanks for the chance to win them!

gr. arjette.

Minna - Zirkonella said...

<3 I just love Lilis =)

Alice said...

thank you very much! I love LOTV stamps!!!

ribenaruby said...

They're all great images Jacqui! Off to link is side bar. Ruby x

Debbie said...

Ooh poor you - they want us to use public transport then there's nothing but hassle when we do.Glad you got home safe and sound and had a great time at the show.Thank you for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps.I just love LOTV.No apologies needed - we know you're busy.Love Debbie x

Lisa Cornwall said...

Hi Jacqui

Have popped you in the sidebar.

Glad you had such a fab time at Harrogate.

Loving LOTV the most - so thank you for putting these up for grabs.


Lisa x

Nannieflash said...

Oh I bet you were glad to get home after such an awful journey, I bet you slept well last night. Those stamps are fabulous and I do hope I manage to win them, thanks for the change. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Larrik said...

Джеки , спасибо за шанс !

Anastasia said...

I dore them, they`re so cute.
Thanks for a chance to win them here.

Greetings, Anastasia

Elaina said...

Gosh, your train journey home sounds like a nightmare! It is so nice of you to offer these stamps as blog candy, I will keep my fingers crossed :)

Marg said...

Thank you for offering such fantastic candy - I've posted on my sidebar. Rail travel in the UK has never been good on a Sunday. Glad you got home safe in the end.

Tammy said...

Super cute stamps, Thanks for the chance

Patricia said...

Hi Jacqui, wow.. these are too cute!!! I am getting excited to go and make some x-mas cards by these! woohoo...


Wendy said...

Adorable stamps Jacqui,thanks for the chance to win.
Wendy xx


Sorry your journey was horrid, but I'm sure it was all worth it.
Fab candy, I just love LOTV stamps xx

Tracy Wray aka Trak said...

love LOTV thanks for the fab candy
hugs trak x

MagsB said...

These are so lovely, Jacqui! Thank you for the chance to win, I have added to my sidebar. I hope you've recovered from that nightmare journey!

luv, Mags x

agapanthus said...

Thanks for the chance to win these lovely goodies. Sorry your journey home was great but glad you had a good old crafty time! Best wishes Karen x

~ Ali Robertson ~ said...

The trip home sound dreadful JAcqui :( at least you have great memories of another fab show

thanks for chance to win

Ali x

Susan Glennnie said...

dont like the sound of your trip home poor you but on a pluse the blog candy looks great x

Shazza said...

thanks Jacqui x

Casper said...

Hiya Jacqui,

Glad to see you got home eventually and except for the hold up on the way home that you had a great day!

Fab and delish candy - thanks so much for the chance to win!

Take care
Big Hugs

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Glad you had a good time. Hope to see you at Ally Pally. Thanks for theance to win these fab stamps. Marianne x

Linda . J said...

Oh Jacqui so yummy candy so glad you had a good time but sorry to hear about your delay in getting home.
Hugs Linda

Saana said...

What a lovely Candy!

Renee V said...

Oh my, I've never seen these stamps, how gorgeous!!! Just what I need, more money coming out of my paycheck! Thanks for the chance to win :) I've posted these on my sidebar :)

Nina said...

I want them!!! Thanks for the chance to win! ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Jacqui, wow these Christmas stamps are adorable; I love it that you give us the chance to win these. Hugs, Frea

Jeanette said...

Hi Jacqui,

Lovely blog candy! Couldn't resist entering.

Hope all is well. Your blog is still a constant source of inspiration!
Hugs Jeanette

Valérie Goldenschue said...

Oh they are so cute, I take my chance !

Debbie said...

Thank you for the chance to win such lovely candy.
Debbie x

yvon said...

Oh wow, what a beautiful candy. Thanks so much for the chance.
Hugs, Yvon

Jacqueline (Sjakkie) said...

Wow, what a great candy! They are so cute!
Hugs Jacqueline

A New Crafter said...

Dear Jacqui, thanks for offering such beautiful LOTV stamps, the quality is always remarkable. Hope things are going better for you - Anne T

Ribbon Girl said...

It was so nice to see you again at Harrogate Jacqui - and I would love to win your candy - you can't have too much of a good thing!! Hugs from Mary G x

Lorraine said...

Thanks for the chance of this lovely blog candy xx

Vanja said...

Thanks for a chance to win, Jacqui! I added the candy in my sidebar.

Sandra H said...

Thank you Jacqui for this fantastic candy and a chance to take part, l recently bought from Lotv and these stamps are gorgeous l would love to be in with a chance to win l have advertised your candy on my blog and hopefully many more bloggers will do the same thank you again for this chance to take part:) Sandra H

karen irvine said...

thanks for the chance to win LOTV stamps! i just love their images! sorry about your trip. sometimes the joy is not in the journey, i guess!

LINDA W. said...

OMGoodness Jacqui !!! thanks for a chance to win some of the new LOTV
Stamps....I love all of them
hugs from Texas

Julie said...

Oooooo lurvly candy. Thanks for the chance to enter Jacqui. Sorry you had a nightmare journey, but glad you got home ok.

Big Hugs

Anonymous said...

Gald that you eventually got home. thanks for the change to win...

Kelowna, BC Canada

Tanya said...

sorry about your trip back :( Glad you are home safe.

Thank you so much for the chance, your candy is on my sidebar.

Denise said...

These are so gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win this great candy. It's going on my sidebar now :0)
Denise xx

Deb said...

Jacqui, thanks for the chance to win some candy! I ordered some of the first release and am just starting to play with them. These stamps are the sweetest!

Deb H.

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win such delish candy, Jacqui!
Huggies ~

Amanda R said...

So generous of you and I don't have any of these so would be great to win!

Rosalee said...

Fabulous candy Jacqui. I'm loving those stamps. Someone sure is going to be lucky. I'll be keepin my fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

fionalawlor said...

Sounds like a nightmare journey! BUT i am still jealous lol we don't have any craft exhibitons or shows like that in Ireland (only one once a year in northern ireland but thats too far lol) Thanks so much for the chance to enter for these gorgeous stamps :)
Fiona L x

Vicky said...

Wow what a trip! Harrogate was amazing as usual and thanks for chance of winning some fab stamps.

Janice said...

These new stamps are adorable - thanks for the chance to win. Jx

Bashful said...

I love these Images! However, Mr linksy is not being nice. It wont let me sign up! help!

vielkac said...

I love your candy, and especialy your blog.....:)

Wilma Z said...

Love, love, love those stamps!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Marjorie said...

Hi Jacqui, It was lovely to chat at Harrogate, so sorry you had such a horrible trip home, after such a lovely week-end! Thank you for the chance to win some lovely stamps:)

mikki said...

LOTV rocks! I love the "girls" so perfect for Copics and Prismacolors.
Your blog is like my morning diet Coke-not awake til I visit.

Alison said...

Absolutely gorgeous stamps, thanks for the chance to win them

Alison xx

Sandy G said...

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderfull blog candy

cebelica said...

These stamps are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win them. You're a total sweetheart! Hugs!

Jolita said...

What a yummie candy Jacqui! Thiese stamps are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with us!
Hugs, Jolita

Isha Gupta said...

Cute stamps and I love to color. Thanks for a chance to win these cuties.

mandy said...

wow thanks so much for the chance to win some yummi candy lol hugs mandy xxx

Louise said...

Beautiful images, I have entered twice by mistake, please remove my last entry #141. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity for beautiful stamps! Love them! Thank you very much

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous. Thnks!

The Craft Bucket said...

Fabulous candy Jacqui, these stamps are just too gorgeous for words. Thank you, Jane x

Lisa T said...

Wow, great candy! I have a few LOTV stamps and love them all. They're so adorable! I added a link to the "Blog Candy" section of my blog (along the right hand side of the page) at Paper & Pawprints. Thanks!

Rachael said...

Gorgeous candy Jacqui thanks for the chance to win! And thanks for introducing me and the Mother to glamour dust on Saturday at the GNPE! Sorry to hear about the naff journey home :( hope it didnt spoil the weekend too much.
Rach :) xx

Jo said...

lovely candy thank you

Crea Astrid said...

Wowwww, what a beautiful Candy. Lovely stamp. So sweet. Thank you for the chance.

Hugs AStrid.

Ronda Archangelo said...

Ooohhh...such sweet candy! Sorry, I just realized I'm too late :-( Congrats to the winner!

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