Morning all, a quick one from me today, I have a rather long garden fence to paint today, I need to do it before the cold weather sets in. I have also got to finish painting the garden furniture at some stage. I was thinking of going to Bluewater today but it seems a sin to be inside instead of taking advantage of the late Summer sun.
Not only is it a quick post but it is also a quick card, this one almost made its self. The sweet Ellie stamp, which has been coloured with Pro-Markers for a change, (Colours below), is from Wild Rose Studio and is called Bella on Bauble and the card was so quick to make as there is a Backing Paper - Xmas Bella Pad - to match the Bella Stamps, I have finished this simple effort off with some self adhesive Rhinestones, A lush Ribbon from the Ribbon Girl and a little charm from The Hobby House. The Stamp, Paper Pads and Rhinestones are available from J & C Creations.
Promarkers Used:
Crimson, Poppy, Berry Red, Lipstick Red, Pumpkin, Amber, Cool Grey 3, Cool Grey2, Cool Grey1, Blender.
Right I am off to do the fence 
Hope you all have a fabulous sunny weekend
Jacs xxxx
oh Jacqui, stunning however it is Wild Rose Studio design - slight typo maybe (but may confuse your followers) but Bella is still fabulous flying around on her bauble :)
hugs Kate xx
Gorgeous card Jacqui the colours and your design are beautiful, it looks terrific, love the image.
Hugs Linda
This is gorgeous Jacqui. Such a cutie and coloured beautifully.
I hope you have a good day and get your painting finished!
Hugs Sue
soooooo adorable!!!! and gorgeous coloring as well. your card looks absolutely fabulous! :)
Hi Jacqui, what a gorgeous image, love those papers and your fabulous colouring. hugs Shirleyxxx
Jacqui, Wow your image is gorgeous and the layout of the card is lovely too x
So beautiful card,I love the image and the colours.
So gorgeous papers.
Hugs Riet.xx
Aaawww so gorgeous Jacqui, I adore little Bella! :)
Stunning Jacqui beautiful papers and I love Bella.
Hugs Julie x
Bella is just adorable! What a fab card - I love the sweet charm!
I hope you finished the fence in time to have a cuppa and bask in the sunshine!
love Mags B x
Beautiful card, love the backing paper tmmatch the gorgeous stamp.
Beautiful image and love your fabulous ribbon and charm too!
Gorgeous card the image, so adorable, fabulous colouring and just love that backing paper...
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I like your blog and the article。數位科技生活豐富化^^
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