Morning Peeps, sorry for my lack of post yesterday (my resolution broken within 10 days not good), as you all know I only have one brain cell which gets me into deep doo-doo sometimes, well I have actually excelled myself, I forgot to re-new my Passport, which I will require at the end of the month. To ensure I got the Passport back in time for my trip, I had to go to the Passport Office in London to fast track it, and take with me Old Passport, New Photos and completed form, now unbelievably I managed to gather everything I needed and even reach Global House, Victoria without any mishaps, just one tiny problem my Photos were not good enough, although they had previously been checked at The Post Office, I had a tiny strand of hair over the very corner of my eyelid, so had to have another photo taken, they have a photo booth in the Passport Office, but you have to use 5 £1 coins or a £5 note neither of which I had, to make it worse if you left the Passport Office to get change you had to make a new appointment which would not be for the same day !!!!!!!!!!!, can you imagine me running around asking all these poor people if they had coins or £5 note in exchange for a £10 note I got so desperate that I even said if they only had £5 they could keep the change. A lovely security guard came to my rescue so I then went to the booth to get my photo taken, there was a long queue, obviously I was not the only one who's photo didn’t fit, after queuing for about 15 minutes I got in to the booth sat down and composed my face, No Smile, Look Forward, Hair out of Eyes you know the drill, you get a face map as to where your eyes must be, would you believe the seat was too low and I couldn’t get my eyes to reach the correct height, the up and down bar on the seat was not working, so I ended up sitting on my handbag and Coat. After about an hour I finally completed my application and my Passport should be with me in 7 days.
The rest of the day went really well, I had taken my No 3 son James with me to London for company as we were walking down Victoria Street we saw the funniest thing I have seen in ages, a drunken tramp had found a 6ft Christmas Tree from somewhere and had decided to wear it!! his head was right in the middle of the tree, all you could see was a Christmas tree with legs. he obviously couldn’t see and was walking into bollards, walls and traffic lights, you never see people smile in London they are always rushing to get somewhere but this had people smiling and laughing out loud, James took a video which he will be putting on U Tube and a couple of stills I will add one on here as soon as he sends it to me, you really have to see it to appreciate how funny it was. We ended up meeting my No 1 son Matthew from his work at Canary Wharf and went to Carluccis for a fab Italian meal, my suggestion of going Ice Skating on the Canary Wharf Ice rink went down like a lead balloon.
After all this I did not have time to make a card yesterday so I am going to post some more of my DT cards for the new Crafters Companion Strawberry Kisses Stamps and CD Release:

These have all been coloured on Neenah Classic Card with Spectrum Noirs, (sorry I sent the colours off with the cards and forgot to make a note), the papers and sentiments are all from the CD.
Have a good day and I hope I haven’t bored you with my London trip
Jacs xxx